Friday, June 24, 2011

The Scourge Of Modern Technology

Security Setting and Privacy Concern

Facebook is not something I like to go near. I shall swear by my Lord Bhudda  big opening palm that it is nothing like a proper social relationship they are promoting . Lately I have this  awful personal  experience with deleting my account from Facebook.Yet that new account was barely two weeks old which only say so much for this sordid affair. .Really  It was initially  at the behest of an invitation from my sister in England  that I decided to join in .We started off purely as a private family affair relationship harmless enough like swapping photos and catching up news with each other. This is all rather unsuspecting and nothing seems to be untoward. Everything seem to be moving smoothly and you just had the feeling that you are using the account  the same way   no more than what you would use on Yahoo or Hotmail freebie.But that is where the comparison ends.I nominated six persons as friends but not in the Facebook’s sense.They are  my relatives old and young all spread around the world.I decided to set restricted access to only the six in the family like as if it is a private club by using the ‘’Friends Only’’  button. I think there were only three control buttons namely Everyone, Friends of Friends or Friends Only. Somehow or rather filth material started coming through from the third party. That was unaccounted for and that was an unauthorised access...

 Some Kind of Social Networking

I know The whole world wide  is about being linked together through the internet .Facebook works on links like a gigantic cobweb. Facebook particularly works on linking network. It operates in a similar way like linkedin a company that sells and market professionals as my daughter has been one using it.. But the trouble with  Facebook is that they without criteria nor pre-requsite encourage and actively promote just about everybody to join in  by finding friends only in the hope that those friends can find more friends and friends  and…” fiends’  as well.Seem to me that  this has been such a psychological setup especially amongst the young for a great urge to compete with each other  for friends and more friends within your circle. My sister has made two friends today so it has to be my turn to make two new friends or more than her so says the friend finder tool. To create your own wider audience, your own sizeable  market and having the Centre of your new attention  is really all determined by how frequent  and intense you utilise the” Fiend’s Finder” tool. From what I have heard  especially those whom I   know had joined their number of friends range from 84 to 3540.Half of the time they do not who they are socially accepting except that they are friends of a friend who is also a friend of your immediate friend.  See the crowd control problem when you are trying to hold a private party.

Massive Data Mining

  Over the years the hordes brought with them enormous amount of human friends. They(those that work for Facebook) therefore have all the opportunity in the world that is literally speaking to help themselves with the massive raw data that comes on hand.They can sell their profiled and detailed information to the third party big businesses and governments alike. If you have studied data processing and data management  at uni or college you will be familiar with methods of collation like categorising  similar data sets’’ so that you.can begin extracting patterns of human behaviours from them. Facebook today has over 500 million members. Facebook has it all worked out  with your tastes, spiritual beliefs, personal philosophy, health, favourites, level of education, religion, salaries, hobbies, sports, pastimes, etc. . But ultimately Facebook has got all the lot of you through your conversations, your shopping habits, your social habits , your address your phone numbers and so on  We must remember we are entering a digital age where quantity and storage has  no meaning . Computers are becoming so much faster so they process data faster with instant results. Compare to other companies  a company with such  unprecedented trawling of massive world wide human data that is of digital nature which when  stored and then sold to business or any other third party or government   at any one time can certainly claim a triumphant upper hand in the informational.contest of a competitive business world’.

 A Devil’s Paradise


Facebook is so popular in schools  especially amongst young students that I rather admit it has been endemic This is  because of its ease of format and the instant folding together of all the goodies in one. For instance it is a personal site that you can build up on, it got your email facility better than the old email system, it is accessible to mobile, blackberry, iphone and newsfeed is instantaneous. It also tells you exactly what your friends are doing right now. There is instant chat setting or you can hover over someone else and check on them just like they check on you. Needless to add majority of my young workers at Dom’s Teahouse are overwhelmed by it all . You may think that it is a generational fascination but it is not  because the business world  is equally attracted   .   Harvey & Norman furnishing superstore  is not the only one knowing where the pot of gold is  so does my local Tasmanian grocery supplier.  It is so prevalent and rife  between consumers and suppliers because Facebook knows  the usefulness of its data and its applications. So Facebook placement advertising becomes more focus and projected than Google. Soon every employer in town will begin to ask their prospective young workers for a profile reading from Facebook like as if it is a reference on what sorts of friends  a member is keeping and associating with, what family background they come from.Hoteliers will check up on clients credit card worthiness . We know already cyber stalkers scammers and criminals are trawling through Facebook but we too  know that police law and order agencies are vigilantly checking on them under one guise or another.

Template Running Amok

I have really never come across such a weird template. I think it must have been set up by a really weird mob of faceless people.For instance every action taken has to be an add on.Add on friends, add on photos  and they constantly jam your email addresses with any movement or any link wires someone in 'or outside your group  accidentally trample on. One day I woke up with my paralytic email addresses showing  nearly every delivered item saying coming only from Facebook.This even include a simple” Ï Like “link and they permanently want your email address because it is a requirement to open an account. I mean I can offer a fictitious address of course but that makes just about everybody in there promoting an act of mendacity and deception. What! In front of my niece, nephew and close friends and relatives?  On their template It is always frown on if you so deduce or delete anything And when you have decided to vacate their  premises you have to fill in 10 different questions as to the right reason why you make that dreadful decision to quit the Almighty community. And whatever legitimate reason you gave they always have a ready pre-typed counter  argument of their own on a flash which really make you  pewk and sick.. So when the only reason you can click on is the ”others”button  they swiftly turn around  and ask you to specify the reason why you want to close off the account in detail in a huge blank form readily provided.By the way Facebook has a lousy search engine capability.Maybe they could have a better social celebrity search engine than others. I could be wrong here.

No Delete Button or Unsubscribe Link

Then I soon search out for the delete button or at the very least an unsubscribe link. But I couldn’t find any. In other words I couldn’t find any effective mechanism to close off this account until I start to read down the fine blur print right at the very bottom.There in a  tiny speck of detail I figure out there was something close enough to what I was looking for an deactivating button..So happy I was this time I thought I got this template licked at last. But soon as I hit on the deactivating button  an instant message appeared and it reads like this….   When you de-activate an account no user would be able to see it. But it will still be not  deleted. Users have to clear their own account by manually deleting all of their contents  including wall posts friends and groups ’”.  Looks like I shall be forever in the clasp of this monstrosity. It looks very likely  I may have to one day go through the re-activation process and do all this manually by tearing away all my niece & nephew’s contents and photos as well as that of my sister’’s. and their loving posts. Meantime I shall steer right clear of this Facebook.There are lots of other better comparable and more responsible social networks around like Microsoft Messenger, Google Chat Forum,Mirabella, Skype and the list goes on on the Net.

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