Monday, June 27, 2011

The Return Of A Prodigal Son

Dom's Teahouse Cafe At Liverpool Street 1991

Photobuckethe year 1991 was the crucial year I decided to return to the fold of restaurant industry. I realised now this has to be the sector that I knew best. Besides the restaurant atmosphere is more lively and spontaneous. I began to miss that in less than a year away from South Hobart’s Malaysian Teahouse. Anything else outside this sector will be less achievable just like of course lamentably speaking  with the Spice Centre I have no access to the additional ancillary support service nor larger capital finance for my current stock outlay. The restaurant industry has to be the sector that I know best by now. I got to know the customers and their taste in the market well. I got to know that it did really work for me. It has worked for me in South Hobart. This I think is perhaps because they do have a liking for my type and style of cooking. I have the skill the acquired expertise and the know how, as well as getting a much better understanding of pressure and workload that is involved with running a restaurant than with any other. Besides, I still have the remnants of my students work brigade from South Hobart floating around eagerly waiting to be redeployed.

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Scourge Of Modern Technology

Security Setting and Privacy Concern

Facebook is not something I like to go near. I shall swear by my Lord Bhudda  big opening palm that it is nothing like a proper social relationship they are promoting . Lately I have this  awful personal  experience with deleting my account from Facebook.Yet that new account was barely two weeks old which only say so much for this sordid affair. .Really  It was initially  at the behest of an invitation from my sister in England  that I decided to join in .We started off purely as a private family affair relationship harmless enough like swapping photos and catching up news with each other. This is all rather unsuspecting and nothing seems to be untoward. Everything seem to be moving smoothly and you just had the feeling that you are using the account  the same way   no more than what you would use on Yahoo or Hotmail freebie.But that is where the comparison ends.I nominated six persons as friends but not in the Facebook’s sense.They are  my relatives old and young all spread around the world.I decided to set restricted access to only the six in the family like as if it is a private club by using the ‘’Friends Only’’  button. I think there were only three control buttons namely Everyone, Friends of Friends or Friends Only. Somehow or rather filth material started coming through from the third party. That was unaccounted for and that was an unauthorised access...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Old Dog Is Learning New Tricks

I am not at all sure if this work because if this does then we shall use more of this type of photo blogging deployed here in the future .I think I still have a long way to go yet before I give up the ghost on this web blog. It is just that I am half way through recording  the restaurant’s timeline. The only trouble is that  I feel  many of my readers may have been well  long-time fed up even  before I finally  finish with the rather laborious  long-winded historical  narration. So in the matter of interests meantime I shall continue to plug and hover  over  on any exciting subjects or issues  that I consider may  have some importance and  social significance to us. Cheers!

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Prologue To A Lonely Soliloquy

his could not be right. It could never be an epilogue yet as we are not about half way in the mark of our epic journey in Dom’s Hobart ‘wok-a-bout ’ and his restaurant's wild wandering adventure business. For your curiosity I was already kind of a great ‘little student cook’ once and had all my friends coming around for dinner most nights. For when you were a full-time university student living far away from home you have to look after yourself well and the first thing you have to learn is how to cook so you won't go starving skipping meals and all that which would eventually  be all detrimental to your studies and basic well-being.. As well as living away from my  initial host family environment I have to straight away learn how to be independent self-reliant and being self sufficient  on a tightly balanced  stringent student budget funded by my parents who were not rich and had  other siblings to support overseas. In any case I cook well dress well and study well. I chanced to know the honorable Duncan Qoulhoun Kerr and honorable Michael Aird very well then because as student friends they used to raid my fridge frequently especially after their tiring and hungry pub crawl.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Gifts For the Boss and Staff's Farewell Party

You can't get a more lovelier staff than the one I had. Over the last final two weeks I must admit it has been rather hectic and busy for them despite their school's and university workload.  But they never w hinge  nor grumble because they were cheerfully and  happily fitting  themselves into their beloved jobs and place. They have learnt a hell of a lot ever since they started  their jobs in this establishment and I in turn learn just as much from them.My staffs are very adaptable agile and versatile. and they learn fast.  I do indeed wish them well and success in whatever field they take.All I can say guys is that it has been a job brilliantly done and I am mighty proud of you all.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Bask in The lifestyle Of Beautiful Blackman's Bay

Recently a well-known Hobart wine merchant friend of mine gave me a delightful digital frame sideshow gadget loaded with his fishing trip photos and an expensive bottle of Champagne for me as a parting gift. This was because he as one of my regular customers realised that I was going to retire from my restaurant work soon. He happens to live down at Blackman’s Bay where  my small business was located. It is without doubt Blackman’s Bay is a beautiful suburb and has a rather relaxed lifestyle of its own. It is now the most sought after middle class living suburb in Tasmania surpassing that of older Sandy Bay and is a major part of a fast growing dynamic regional center of King borough. With the courtesy of Patrick and his Merry Mob I sought their permission and upload their pictures for all to share and appreciate. It would not be in a form of slide since we already have more than two or three going flat out on the pages here. So it will be in the form of photo snaps. Cheers!